At AERO Friedrichshafen 2024, Norges Luftsportforbund, the Norwegian air sports federation which covers all air sports in Norway, signed an agreement for buying one INTEGRAL E, the electric two-seater, becoming the first Norwegian customer for this aircraft.
Based in Elverum, this federation will operate the electric aircraft for towing gliders at the national center
for gliding.
INTEGRAL E is an electric two-seater aircraft operated by batteries that can be charged in less than 30 minutes. Available in R (leisure and aerobatics) and S (pilot training) versions, this light aircraft is intended to help flying clubs and pilot schools reach their aim to decarbonize their operations and be available in a tow-plane version for gliders.
INTEGRAL E combines lightweight, resistance and easy implementation, maintenance and repair. Its cockpit is the largest in its category with a new generation control panel and ergonomic seats for maximized use of the aircraft.
Drew McEwen, Chief Commercial Officer of AURA AERO, said: “We are proud to welcome our first customer
from Norway for the INTEGRAL family and honored to have been selected by this major aeronautic
John Eirik Laupsa, General Secretary of the Norges Luftsportforbund, says “Norway is a leading country in
decarbonizing aviation. We are thrilled to be contributing at our level by using this brand new electric aircraft
for our gliding activities soon!”